Thursday, February 03, 2005

Miscellaneous Thoughts

As if to prove the groundhog was right, we had a surprise snowstorm today. The kids were delighted, of course, and we spent a good deal of the afternoon playing in the yard while white flakes gently fell around us. Then we took our frosty noses and wet mittens inside to warm up with a nice mug of hot cocoa. Good stuff!


Most interesting search words used to find my blog today: someone using dropped by after searching for gp-b sticker probe. Looked kind of kinky at first glance, but it actually pulled up a post I wrote last April about NASA's Gravity Probe B mission.


Link Love: Phil over at A Family Runs Through It has been sending some readers my way, as well as becoming one of my most frequent commenters. His site is definitely on my favorites list now (even if he did suggest I clear out some of my books). And, though I love Maryland, our scenery just can't compare to the pic at the top of his sidebar. When the kids are older we're going to have to make a point to travel out to the Pacific Northwest for some backpacking.

Also, Suzie, who just started blogging in December, has kindly linked to my site. It's always nice to have visitors from Australia. I've never been to the land down under, but that'll be on our itinerary when the kids are older as well.

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