Friday, July 23, 2004

Got Laundry?

It's 4:00pm 3:41pm, have you done your laundry today?  If your family is like ours, doing the laundry is a never ending task.  You throw a load or two in the machine, and by the time it's done and folded there's an even larger pile of dirty clothes waiting for you.

Well, there may be a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel!  BoingBoing reports today that some Hong Kong scientists have a developed a fabric that cleans itself!  They developed a process that bonds nanoparticles of titanium dioxide to cotton.  When the material is exposed to light, it breakdowns the dirt.  Now that's cool!

A researcher is quoted as saying the material would be useful for "military people, or travelers, people who go hiking, who don't have a lot of water and time to wash their clothes...."  The Daily Yak would like to add parents to that list as well.

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