Friday, June 02, 2006

What Dads Want Moms to Know

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Hogan Hilling (actually, he left a comment here on my blog) who asked if I could help in getting the word out on his latest project.* Hilling, author of The Man Who Would Be Dad(and a fellow stay-at-home dad), is currently researching a new book he plans to co-write. He's looking for input from dads "who would like to contribute their experiences and/or opinions on fatherhood" to the project.

He's a good guy (I saw him on Oprah several years ago, even had dinner with him and some other dads when he came out this way to promote his "Proud Dads" project a while back). If you're interested contact him via email.

*One of the results of publishing this blog is that I receive plenty of spam (who doesn't?) along with the occasional request to review a book or product, publicize a tv show or the like. The spam usually just gets deleted, but if the other requests seem relevant and interesting (my discretion), I don't mind making the occasional plug. If you have the urge, feel free to email me with your own request: dailyyak[at]louch[dot]org.

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